The Hotel Hero

Notes by a Sysadmin

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Thoughts abouts Confidentiality, Integrity and Availabillity

Rclone - continued part IV

June 5, 2023 |

The first idéa I had with this part IV, was to add Restic to the Rclone Backup server. But, due to higher complexity (It should be easy to backup and recover) and not least that it seems like Restic would need to be implemented on the host with Rclone (multiple instances). I skipped the idéa.

So, for now.... Read more


I'm a Sysadmin, network manager and cyber security entusiast. The main purpose of this public "notebook" is for referencing repetitive tasks, but it might as well come in handy to others. Windows can not be supported! But all other OS compliant with the POSIX-standard can (with minor adjustments) apply the configs on the site. It is Mac OSX, RHEL and all the Fedora based distros and Debian based (several 100's of OS's), all the BSD distros, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX.